A Travellerspoint blog

Mark Twain said it

The reports of my death have been wildly exaggerated

semi-overcast 35 °F
View Polar Bears of Svalbard on paulej4's travel map.

large_93bb3c80-8d12-11e9-a779-83b141690d33.JPGAs I prepare to embark upon my voyage around Spitsbergen, I am told that the reports of internet capability aboard the M/S Quest may have been wildly exaggerated. That being the case, you may not be hearing from me for a week or so. B4 and family, please know that I am well even if I am unable to reassure you of that fact on a frequent basis. Of course, should it turn out that I can get posts to go out, I will do so, If that is not possible, I will send them a day at a time but after a week's delay.

Bon Voyage.

Posted by paulej4 06:17 Archived in Svalbard

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What are we do believe you’re doing with all of your down time.
I assume they have a warming room (bar) on the ship.
I admire you for this trip, but It’s 85, low humidity and sight wind here. The only ice we see, is in our glasses.
After a few of them, I do start to see elephants and bears!

by Bill thompson

Bon Jovi!....Hope you are able to connect. Looking foward to hearing and seeing more.


by Chuck

Have a great time and be safe


by Linda Fraschilla

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